Welcome to NebulaGraph Cloud¶
NebulaGraph Cloud (Cloud for short) is a fully-managed cloud service that integrates the NebulaGraph database with database-as-a-service (DBaaS) features. Cloud supports one-click deployment and visualization tools of NebulaGraph, allowing users to create graph databases within minutes and quickly scale computing, storage, and other resources.
Getting started¶
- Quick start
- GQL guide (Initial password: Nebula.123)
Symbols used in this manual¶
Additional information or operation-related notes.
May have adverse effects, such as causing performance degradation or triggering known minor problems.
May lead to serious issues, such as data loss or system crash.
May lead to extremely serious issues, such as system damage or information leakage.
The compatibility notes between nGQL and openCypher, or between the current version of nGQL and its prior ones.