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Demo dataset

This topic introduces the demo dataset that you can use in NebulaGraph Cloud and demonstrates how to load it in NebulaGraph Cloud.

Dataset introduction

The demo dataset is a knowledge graph dataset for movie recommendation. The following figure shows the entities and relationships in the knowledge graph:

knowledge graph

Figure 1: Entities and relationships in the knowledge graph

To implement the dataset in GQL, the following node types and edge types are introduced:

Node type name Label Property Primary key
User Person id id
Actor Person id, name, and birthDate id
Director Person id, name, and birthDate id
Movie Movie id and name id
Genre Genre id and name id

Table 1: Node types in the dataset

Edge type name Label Property Source node type name Destination node type name
Watch Watch rate User Movie
Act Act None Actor Movie
Direct Direct None Director Movie
WithGenre WithGenre None Movie Genre

Table 2: Edge types in the dataset

The following figure shows the graph model of the dataset in a tabular format:

graph model

Figure 2: Graph model of dataset

Load the demo dataset

  1. On the Database page, click the name of the database that you created to view the database details.
  2. On the left-side navigation pane of the database details page, click Graph under Data.
  3. On the SCHEMA tab, click Use Demo Dataset to load the demo dataset.