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Console overview

This topic introduces the console provided by NebulaGraph Studio.


  1. Sign up and log in to NebulaGraph Cloud. For more information, see Login.

  2. On the Database page, click the name of the database that you created to view the database details.

  3. On the left-side navigation pane of the database details page, click Query.

  4. In the top navigation bar of NebulaGraph Studio, click the Console tab to enter the console.

UI components

The following figure shows the console UI.


The following table lists the UI components of the console.

No. Component Description
1 Schema Display the home schema and all graph types and graphs in the schema.
2 Input area The area where GQL statements are entered. The input is displayed in different colors based on the syntax.
Auto-completion is supported.
Comments must start with double slashes(//).
Right-clicking a character string displays a context menu that provides options such as Change All Occurrences, Cut, Copy, and Command Palette.
3 Clear button Clear the input area.
4 Run button Execute the GQL statement in the input area. You can also press Shift + Enter to execute the statement.
5 Running status Display the running status after statement execution. The statement is displayed in green if the execution is successful and in red if it fails.
You can click a statement to paste it into the input area.
6 Graph window Display the exeuction result as a property graph. You can click the nodes and edges in the graph to view their details.
7 Table window Display the execution result in a tabular format. You can click the column header to sort the data.
8 Text window Display the execution result in JSON format.
9 Export button Export the execution result as a CSV file or a JSON file.
10 Close button Close the execution result window.
11 Zoom in/out button Zoom in or out the Graph window.
12 Full screen button Display the execution result in full screen.