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NebulaGraph v1.2.1 Release Note

NebulaGraph v1.2.1 release note

NebulaGraph v1.2.1 mainly has enhanced the LOOKUP statement and improved the performance. And also has fixed some bugs.

New Features



Upgrade Steps

  • Stop all Nebula services
    • Execute scripts/nebula.service stop all on each machine
    • Execute scripts/nebula.service status all to ensure that all processes have exited
  • Install the new RPM package on each machine per your system environment
  • Start Nebula
    • Execute scripts/nebula.service start all on each machine
    • Execute scripts/nebula.service status all to ensure that all processes have started properly

Note: If you are currently using NebulaGraph v1.0.0-RC3 or a previous version, please re-load your data after upgrading to v1.2.1.

Here is the GitHub repo of NebulaGraph: https://github.com/vesoft-inc/nebula. Please feel free to try the latest version.

If you encounter any problem, please ask on our Discussions: