Use NebulaGraph to explore shareholding networks
This is a generated dataset with two kinds of vertices and four kinds of edges(relationships):
person can hold a corp in {share} % person can be relative with another person corp can hold another corp in {share} % corp can be a branch of another corp person can be as a role of a corp.
Within the playground, you can visually explore the shareholding data from select vertices(i.e. “c_132” with the name “Chambers LLC”) by selecting:
click this explored vertex dot, then you can explore from select vertices by selecting:
- Edge Type
- Direction
- Steps
- Query Limit(Optional)
note, you can click the 👁️ icon to add options to show fields of the graph,
After clicking Expand, you will see all queried relations with c_132 the Chambers LLC.
Alternatively, you could query nGQL via console like:
GO 1 TO 3 STEPS FROM "c_132" over * BIDIRECT;
Read for more of the dataset, refer to
Download sample dataset: shareholding-dataset