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NebulaGraph 1.0 Release Notes

NebulaGraph 1.0 Press Release

Basic Features

  • Online DDL & DML. Support updating schemas and data without stopping or affecting your ongoing operations.
  • Graph traversal. GO statement supports forward/reverse and bidirectional graph traversal. GO minHops TO maxHops is supported to get variable hops relationships.
  • Aggregate. Support aggregation functions such as GROUP BY, ORDER BY, and LIMIT.
  • Composite query. Support composite clauses: UNION, UNION DISTINCT, INTERSECT, and MINUS.
  • PIPE statements. The result yielded from the previous statement could be piped to the next statement as input.
  • Use defined variables. Support user-defined variables to pass the result of a query to another.
  • Index. Both the single-property index and composite index are supported to make searches of related data more efficient. LOOKUP ON statement is to query on the index.

Advanced Features

  • Privilege Management. Support user authentication and role-based access control. NebulaGraph can easily integrate with third-party authentication systems. There are five built-in roles in NebulaGraph: GOD, ADMIN, DBA, USER, and GUEST. Each role has its corresponding privileges.
  • Support Reservoir Sampling, which will retrieve k elements randomly for the sampling of the supernode at the complexity of O(n).
  • Cluster snapshot. Support creating snapshots for the cluster as an online backup strategy.
  • TTL. Support  TTL to expire items after a certain amount of time automatically.
  • Operation & Maintenance
    • Scale in/out. Support online scale in/out and load balance for storage
    • HOSTS clause to manage storage hosts
    • CONFIGS clause to manage configuration options
  • Job Manager & Scheduler. A tool for job managing and scheduling. Currently, COMPACT and FLUSH jobs are supported.
  • Graph Algorithms. Support finding the full path and the shortest path between vertices.
  • Provide OLAP interfaces to integrate with third-party graph analytics platforms.
  • Support multiple character sets and collations. The default CHARSET and COLLATE are utf8 and utf8_bin.


  • Java Client. Support source code building and downloading from the MVN repository, see Java Client for more details.
  • Python Client. Support source code building and installation with pip, see Python Client for more details.
  • Golang Client. Install the client with the command go get -u -v github.com/vesoft-inc/nebula-go,see Go Client for more details.

NebulaGraph Studio

A graphical user interface for working with Nebula. Support querying, designing schema, data loading, and graph exploring. See NebulaGraph Studio  for more details.


  • Data Import  
    • Nebula-Importer is used to import data from the CSV file.
    • Spark Writer, a Spark-based distributed data import tool that converts data from multiple data resources into the NebulaGraph.
  • Data Export   
    • Dump Tool. A single-machine off-line data dumping tool to dump or count data with specified conditions.
  • Monitoring 
    • Nebula Stats Exporter (for Prometheus), is to collect database metrics and expose metrics to Prometheus. And Grafana has integrated for metrics Visualization and Alerting.